Embracing change
To move from where we are to where we want to be in our careers requires us to take different sets of actions. Change is our own personal responsibility. We only got one life to live so we have to get over ourselves and make it count. Most people get stuck and they keep doing things the same way because that’s how they’ve been told to do. When change has to happen there is always fear.
We are always afraid to try something new, we are afraid that we might make the first big mistake and be pointed out for it. The reality is that people who don’t do anything automatically loose. Now when you take action you may make some mistakes, in fact chances are that you probably will at some point but bear in mind the richness in experience you will now possess that will aid greatly in your coming future endeavors.
There is no doubt that to become successful, we have to learn to embrace change and be willing to do what’s necessary. There will always be naysayers and people who will obstruct you and try to slow you down when you decide to do something new and different. Let’s keep in mind that all great achievers throughout history had naysayers. So always remember that naysayers are in most cases, a good indicator that we are on the right track and that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
The saying, “No pain, No gain” in sports applies a great deal when dealing with change in our lives. The pain of doing countless drills and practice in sports is really felt intensely by the athletes but the success that comes from these strenuous activities far outweighs the pain endured in the process. In fact the pain is hardly remembered. So when we begin to embrace change in our professional lives, we may experience temporary pain, fear and doubt but in actual fact we are setting ourselves up for great success in the very near future.
Change also takes place at the work place where every employee should be the agent of change. Although we mostly work in teams we are still individuals with self-interests. Everyone has their own aspirations in the company but what actually makes a difference is how everyone works. You cannot keep on doing things the same way you have done for the last ten years and expect to make a difference. Neither can you expect major changes in your reward. The salary you get is the reward given to you in recognition for the contribution you make to the organization.
To do things differently and produce better and more results requires progressively making changes. Working is a matter of personal development. You must always be on the lookout for things that will affect the way you should act and embrace change because it matters not only for your performance but more importantly for your income and personal growth. That’s why one of our major preoccupations at DSC is effecting organizational change through personal development.