Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is a systematic process of making value judgement on what has been achieved in relation to implementation of activities geared towards planned results.
The process involves:
- Collecting data from the implementation of programmes, projects and plans.
- Storing data with availability and accessibility in mind.
- Analysing data for trends, opportunities, problems, and the unexpected.
- Using analysis results to inform future planning, implementation and accountability.
Having an M&E system in place before implementing a Strategic Plan
is a smart move. In any case, the plan should be designed with M&E in mind: clear measurable outcomes or goals. This will
in turn make work planning easier.
Often an M&E plan with reporting tools is developed as an integral part of planning. And evaluation is done before, during and after implementation.
Where an M&E plan has not been prepared along with a project, programme or strategic plan, we can develop one for you.
Our approach to developing a M&E plan involves some key participatory activities:
- Ensuring objectives are customer focused
- Ensuring outcomes are measurable and in line with objectives, hence allowing us to arrive at a level of impact
- Identifying measurable indicators and time-bound performance targets from the objectives and strategies of the project, programme or strategic plan
- Identifying data to be collected (including baseline data), together with frequency and means of collection
- Developing reporting tools
- Developing an electronic database.