Reporting Structure

Progress and performance reporting within the ranks of Management and from Management to Board can be quite involving. Bulkiness, unclear needs of what to report and why are the cause.

Owing to poor design, reporting can be work in its own right thus contributing to inefficiency and reduced effectiveness.

It is critical to identify what information is needed for effective evaluation of performance. Reports so designed can help Management and Board members understand true performance of a business much more easily and quickly.

The organization structure suggests lines through which information needs to flow. During development of a reporting structure is a good time to revisit the organization structure.

By analyzing how your business plans and accounts for its performance, we can assess the existing reporting system.

This analysis informs development of an appropriate progress and performance reporting system for more effective functioning of Management and Board.

Such a reporting system is characterized by:

  • Simplicity
  • Easiness to prepare requiring minimal time input by staff and Management
  • Easiness to read while conveying a comprehensive performance picture

Further thoughts

Learn more about our thinking on Reporting Structures and sharing information: