Staff performance appraisal caters for a different purpose from that provided by continuous performance review. It serves to provide a documented record of individual employee performance.
If well developed staff performance appraisal should be developmental, motivational and should facilitate employee empowerment.
Individual work plans are a prerequisite for functional staff performance
appraisal. Without them appraisal can hardly be objective.
The purpose of staff performance appraisal is two fold:
- To assess and document performance with the intention of linking it to pay award including promotion and other reference purposes.
- To assess performance to highlight and document employee training and development needs.
Our approach essentially has three steps:
- Preparing annual individual work plans with clear performance objectives, targets, deadlines and standards (performance criteria).
- Conducting continuous performance review.
- Carrying out criteria based open performance appraisal.
In particular we have extensive experience in developing open and objective employee performance review and appraisal (OOPRAS) systems.