Management Information System

Developing an effective Management Information System (MIS) entails identifying the information that the Management needs to manage effectively and to account to its business owners and stakeholders.

Identified information needs determine:

  • What data is to be collected
  • How the data should be analyzed or processed into information
  • The format of management and accounting reports to be produced.

These requirements in turn guide the building of an appropriate electronic database application.

A reporting structure is a sensible starting point for determining information needs and flow. It can serve as a guiding policy for the MIS.

Designing an electronic MIS will involve some further key steps:

  1. Identifying users of the system and the different roles they play.
  2. Designing access permissions for the different user roles.
  3. Determining data input formats or means.
  4. Considering integration of the system with any existing information systems.
  5. Finally developing the complete system.

We develop information systems as web-based applications built with robust open source technology. We play particular attention to interface design, ease-of-use and the user experience in general.

Further thoughts

Learn more about our thinking on information management and sharing: