Habits, the critical element in success
We are all creatures of habit; and habits really do make or break us. By definition a habit is an action that we repeatedly do without giving it any conscious thought. It’s something we automatically do. Our habits are also our physical manifestation of our mental behaviors. It is not our circumstances but our actions that determine our results. When we consistently and repeatedly engage ourselves into an action for a prolonged period of time, it then becomes the way we behave. Our actions consequently shape the circumstances in our lives. Therefore, it is in our best interest to consistently take action that is in line with the good that we desire otherwise we shall not be able to achieve our goals in life.
Good habits may be challenging to develop but very easy to live with as they naturally support personal advancement. Bad habits on the other hand are not only very easy to develop but also very hard to live with and very difficult to shed off. Acquiring a bad habit is like being trapped. A bad habit is really a negative behavioral pattern such as being extravagant or procrastinating. Continue reading...